Preparation for Life and Work Foundation Pathway

The Preparation for Life and Work-Foundation Level curriculum is composed of personal and social development, skills for independence, math, English, and an introduction to the concept of employment.

The pathway will stretch and challenge students to develop knowledge, skills and behaviours and make informed choices and decisions that will support the transition to their planned destination, for the next year, and ultimately, to adulthood.  On completion of a successful Preparation for Life and Work programme, students will make a transition towards their chosen destination including progression to one of the more employability focused pathways, supported or independent living, or another further educational provision. 


Pathway Aim

Students to develop skills and confidence to become increasingly independent, access their community and those within, in a safe and enjoyable way, with focus on preparing for adulthood by focusing on: Independent Living Skills, Community Inclusion, Health and Wellbeing, Healthy Relationships (including RSE),  Employability and Functional Skills.

Pathway Key Objectives

Students will:

  • Develop skills and understanding of all areas of Preparation for Life and Work
  • Engage in opportunities to develop employability skills
  • Identify how to maintain a healthy lifestyle applying this knowledge to their daily lives
  • Identify and maintain healthy relationships
  • Access the local community and feel safe and confident doing so

Key FS Delivery Method

  • Students to attend dedicated sessions with specialist Functional Skills tutors
  • Students to receive individual work to meet their learning needs and preferences
  • Target intervention for students consisting of 1-1 sessions with Functional Skills tutors

Pathway Transition Routes

Transition pathways for each student will be determined individually, via Annual Review, reflecting their levels of progress and learning. These could include further education, continuing foundation preparation for life and work, or progression into Preparation for Life and Work Intermediate, Employability, Creative Industry Production, a Supported Internship or transition to a none-educational destination.

To download the full pathway document, click here

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