Engage Pathway
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Engage Pathway
The Engage Pathway is a highly individualised support led curriculum for students who are in crisis. The Engage Pathway is highly differentiated and focused on supporting children who have become disengaged with learning or need crisis intervention support. Learner’s access fully personalised intervention, which is discussed with a solution-focused approach. The curriculum is entirely adapted to enable a continuum of provision to promote and meet the needs of the pupil and enable the student to gain confidence in re-engagement back into the school community. The academic curriculum supports functional literacy and numeracy only.
The Engage Pathway is tailored to the needs of pupils who may have experienced a sense of fear or worry within their life; had their life safety threatened, or perception of endangerment, not in control of basic life exercise, forced into role- reversal with an adult, feeling of isolation from trusted adult at home, flashback of previous trauma, tragedies and/or uncertain future. Learners accessing the Engage Pathway are rarely in a conducive emotional state for learning, they struggle with social relationships and often seek to have their basic needs met. It is likely that learners on this Pathway are unable to access 25 hours of learning each week and maybe on a reduced provision off-site. Learners accessing the Engage Pathway have regular support and review meeting with multi-agency involvement.
The outcome expected for the Engage Pathway is a re-engagement in learning and the school community and to encourage students to move forward into their adult lives with memories and emotions of achievement, relationship building, support and encouragement. Students on this Pathway would have the opportunity to achieve functional skills in English and Maths.
Engage Pathway
Pathway Overview
The Engage Pathway is a highly individualised support led curriculum for students who are in crisis. The Engage Pathway is highly differentiated and focused on supporting children who have become disengaged with learning or need crisis intervention support. Learner’s access fully personalised intervention, which is discussed with a solution-focused approach. The curriculum is entirely adapted to enable a continuum of provision to promote and meet the needs of the pupil and enable the student to gain confidence in re-engagement back into the school community. The academic curriculum supports functional literacy and numeracy only.
The Engage Pathway is tailored to the needs of pupils who may have experienced a sense of fear or worry within their life; had their life safety threatened, or perception of endangerment, not in control of basic life exercise, forced into role- reversal with an adult, feeling of isolation from trusted adult at home, flashback of previous trauma, tragedies and/or uncertain future.
Pathway Intent
- To embed and promote positive student wellbeing, confidence, independence, and communication skills throughout the curriculum
- A highly personalised and adapted curriculum that is personalised to each individual child’s needs
- Nurture talents and interests in an activity-based, environmentally aware, and sustainable surrounding – emotional support and if needed, therapeutic care, which can include unique activities to develop and grow from crisis situations
Pathway Implimentation
- The Engage Pathway is a school-based and co-ordinated intervention to help pupils achieve their social, emotional and behavioural skills
- Solution-focused approach – actively finding different approaches with small step targets in order for the child to be happy and successful.
Pastoral Support Programme
- Learning is entirely adapted and the academic curriculum reduced to functional core areas
- The Engage Pathway is reviewed frequently in order for the pathway to be amended and developed in response to pupil progress
- Multi-agency meeting with a clear focus on the needs of the pupils
- Outcome driven pathway in order to seek development and change for the pupils’ progress
- Where appropriate, students within this pathway experience warp around care from a range of multi-agencies including occupational health, speech and language therapists, CAHMS and social care
Pathway Impact
- Positive wellbeing, confidence, independence, functional communication skills.
- Re-engagement in learning and the school community
- To encourage students to move forward into their adult lives with memories and emotions of achievement, relationship building, support, and encouragement during their Engage Pathway
Post 16
Students who follow this pathway could progress to:
- Supported learning within a mainstream college
- Specialist 6th form placement
- Structured Traineeship
- Employability