British Values

Expanse Learning believes that everyone, regardless of their current situation and starting point can achieve and make progress towards their goals and aspirations with the right package of education and care provision.

British Values

These values are Democracy, Rule of Law, Respect and Tolerance, Individual Liberty.

Fundamental British Values underpin what it is to be a citizen in a modern and diverse Great Britain valuing our community and celebrating the diversity of the UK.

Fundamental British Values are not exclusive to being British and are shared by other democratic countries as a way of creating an orderly society, where individual members can feel safe, valued and can contribute for the good of themselves and others.

These will mirror the principles and values of Expanse Learning and all the work areas that we support. These will occur throughout your programme and will be promoted by the staff with whom you come into contact.


A government in which the people are allowed to influence policy, by means of a direct vote, or referendum. A culture built upon freedom and equality, where everyone is aware of their rights and responsibilities.

Respect and Tolerance

Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith. Understanding that we all don’t share the same beliefs and values. Respecting the values, ideas and beliefs of others whilst not imposing our own others.

Rule of Law

Although people may hold different views about what is right and wrong – everyone living in the United Kingdom is subject to its laws. The need for rules to make a happy, safe and secure environment to live and work.

Individual Liberty

The right to believe, act and express oneself freely protection of your rights and the right of others you work with.

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