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Expanse College Curriculum
Expanse Learning Specialist College has an ambitious curriculum that has been designed to meet the needs of our students.
It is not just about the journey, but the destination and as a student at Expanse Learning College, you will be supported to develop the skills you need to live a full and happy life. We work closely with students, families, and partners to ensure that that you have a personalised pathway, that includes a wide variety of learning experiences. Our aim is that you master and transfer knowledge, skills, and behaviours into different scenarios.
“Careful planning and arrangements for progression to the next level courses for the vast majority of students ensures that they receive useful information, advice and guidance that help them to have a clear understanding of their employment goals and personal aspirations”. (Ofsted 2018)
“Leaders have put in place ambitious programmes of study that give students opportunities to experience the world of work”. (Ofsted 2019)
What we aim to achieve through our curriculum
- To provide an outstanding education experience that students fully engage with and enjoy.
- To provide education that gives students knowledge, skills, and behaviours to enhance their life.
- To provide a personalised pathway into independence and employment.
- To prepare students to be independent, employed and lead fulfilling lives.
- To provide holistic guidance and support strategies that enable students to progress and achieve.
- To increase independent living skills that give students greater control over decisions which affect them.
- To improve students’ functional application of Mathematics and English and Technologies.
- To increase work readiness skills, promote career options that match student aspirations.
- To increase student knowledge and experience of community, country, and wider world environment.
- To facilitate students transferring learning into home, community, and employer environments.
How is our curriculum delivered
Curriculum Delivery
- Students work towards personalised learning outcomes which are reflect Education Health Care Plan goals via a curriculum designed to be challenging, age-appropriate and focussed on achieving their outcomes.
- Students will complete a personalised pathway studying within practical, subject-based sessions that cover independent living, employability, community, health and functional skills maths and English.
- Students will learn within college, community and real-life employer environments within which they will have opportunities for repetition to develop knowledge, skills, and behaviours.
- We believe giving students control of their learning is essential and provide real choices via accredited and non-accredited outcomes, which are co-produced and support successful learning and transition.
- We encourage participation in social activities during the college day, so students can practice social skills with peers, demonstrate and refine their behaviour and attitude.
- We source and provide relevant resources that support effective teaching and learning.
- We engage and empower students to express their views, choices, and opinions to inform curriculum design
Teaching and Learning
- College Leaders, delivery and support staff have a wide range experience and skills.
- Students are taught by qualified and experienced staff, who have specialist knowledge.
- Student aspirations contribute to curriculum design, resulting in a truly personalised Study Programme offer which results in high levels of academic and personal achievement.
- The curriculum is designed meet a wide range of student needs and is split into six distinct Pathways: Communication and Sensory; Preparation for Life and Work (Independence) Preparation for Life and Work (Workskills), Creative Industry Production, Employability and Supported Internships.
- Each Pathways’ students are taught in differentiated groups, where knowledge, skills and behaviours are exposed to significant stretch and challenge at all levels of ability.
- Individual learning outcomes are agreed at the start of a programme (baseline assessment), and individualised personal success targets (PSTs) that align to the Preparation for Adulthood themes allow the college to support students to develop skills that will prepare them well for their future lives.
- Students will work towards accredited and non-accredited functional skills as appropriate, improving Mathematics, English knowledge which is mapped across all subjects to capture naturally occurring functional skills.
- Employability focused Pathways provide the opportunity for students to develop vocational interests, whether in preparation for future career aspiration or work experience, where a practical context is used as an opportunity to practice and develop skills.
- Each student has personalised accredited and non- accredited medium-term outcomes which are broken down into achievable short-term targets for the duration of the study programme.
- Students personalised accredited and non-accredited medium-term outcomes are created using results baseline assessments and include student, family, and staff input.
What difference is our curriculum-making to students?
- Most students meet or exceed their expected levels of academic and personal progress.
- Most students make good progress and make a successful transition into adult life.
- Most students make good progress towards improving independence and make choices about how they want to spend their time and access facilities in their community.
- Expanse students accredited learning achievement rates are high.
- Most students exhibit good behaviour over their time at the college and increase their ability to self-manage and keep themselves safe in becoming more independent.
- Students are well prepared for the next stage of their lives, with most leavers progressing into meaningful destinations including some form of employment or activities that help them maintain productive adult lives.
Personalised Learning means working in partnership with the student to plan a learning pathway, according to their needs and personal objectives, in a way which delivers success including:
- Assessing the holistic needs of students
- Providing holistic appropriate support for students
- Seeking and responding to the views of the student to promote their voice
- Raising the ambitions of all students
- Encouraging students to take ownership and responsibility
- Supporting student transitions
- Developing appropriate accredited and non-accredited outcome targets with students
Differentiated Study Programme Pathways
All students will be assigned to a pathway, within which their programme will be personalised by a choice of subjects, teaching methodology, assessment methodology, support arrangements and undertake a personalised programme of learning which helps to increase their skills and knowledge relating to employment, independent living, community inclusion and health in support of them progressing via a planned transition.