Transport Information

Daily transport to and from Expanse Learning may be provided by the Local Authority. This is subject to meeting the Local Authorities criteria and is not guaranteed. This could be in the form of private hire vehicles and Local Authority Transport with the right package of education and care provision.

Parents/carers must escort their child onto the transport in the morning and collect them from it in the afternoon.

Parents must ring Expanse Learning before normal pick up time to cancel the transport if your child does not require transport due to illness or for any other reasons.

Safe behaviour on the transport is of paramount importance, children must wear their seatbelts at all times, there are to be no snacks or drink consumed on the bus/taxi.

If safe behaviour is not followed, parents will be contacted, your child may receive a short-term transport ban, a warning letter from the transport company, or a full ban. It will then be up to parents to transport their child to and from school.

Any issues regarding transport to and from Expanse Learning Wigan School; please contact us on 01942 877715.

Please note the school office is open from 08:30am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday.

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